
modular radionics


mercury retrograde

As we prepare for Mercury retrograde from August 4th to the 28th, we find ourselves navigating the celestial dance of the cosmos that profoundly affects our daily lives.
On its gentler side, Mercury retrograde thins the veils between worlds, granting us access to higher realms of consciousness and deeper layers of reality. It’s a time for introspection and spiritual growth, where the cosmic currents compel us to review, revise, and reevaluate our paths.
However, Mercury retrograde can also wreak havoc in many tangible ways. As the ruler of communication, Mercury in retrograde often leads to misunderstandings, tangled messages, and blurred intentions. What we say may not be what is heard, and what we hear may not be what is meant. Travel plans may go awry, with delays, detours, and unexpected obstacles arising as the cosmic currents disrupt movement and transportation.
Entering into contracts during Mercury retrograde is generally unwise unless absolutely necessary, in which case, thorough legal review is essential.
In matters of the heart, Mercury retrograde can stir up old wounds and unresolved emotions, bringing past lovers and unfinished business to the forefront of our consciousness. We may look at the past through rose-colored lenses, risking repeated mistakes.
So, how do we survive until August 28th? We could tiptoe around it, double-check every message before sending, stay off all social media, and get a lawyer on retainer .

planetary spells collection

Or, we can perform the Modular Radionics Planetary Remedy Mercury Ratecaster Spell.
This spell is the simplest way to balance the energies of Mercury retrograde in our favor, allowing us to experience its gentler side— availing ouirself of the gifts for introspection, reflection, and inner growth.
It will give us a pause to assess all aspects of our lives with clarity and emerge stronger and on the right path without having to become antisocial hermits.
Download the Planetary Remedy in your computer, choose Mercury, enter your information, name, last name, date of birth, and run it every day from August 4th to the 28th for 45 minutes.
And experience Mercury Retrograde like never before.