
modular radionics


modular radionics

We are not handing out candy, but helping all practitioners keep our auras sealed and protected.

This is the time called “The thinning of the veil”, when the ethereal “veil “ in between planes gets thinner and more entities can cross.

Traditionally is a time to honor our ancestors, to claim our ancestral gifts , but is also a time of spiritual danger as not all that crosses is good.

We need to keep away any dark or negative energies, any opportunistic spirit.

So from now to November 2nn I recommend to run a protection TREND.

Protection Trend

We should run it every day for 45 minutes, except on October 31st and Nov first and 2nd, when the trend should run all day.

Each person has their way of protect and seal, this is how I do it with the Modular Radionic Intent detector.

modular radionics

You (or the person that you are protecting ) are the TARGET.

Take a picture of yourself or use the picture the person you are manifesting for.

Take it right before you start the process, and upload it to your PC, click open the Icon target and   drag and drop the image to the camera Icon under TARGET.

For the trend, I am absolutely partial to the use of Rue.

It goes by many names, rue, ruda, queen of grace, witchbane, is a magical herb that keeps away the evil.

Buy a plant, you need to use your own, rub the leaves and take a picture.

The rue is the TREND.

Upload it to your PC, click open the Icon target and   drag and drop the image to the camera Icon under TREND.

Use the color purple, and in card 1 and 2 use any icon for protection and goodness.

Now we write the intention: “For the rue to protect Jane Smith, 7-09- 54 by keeping away any evil , dark or opportunistic entities.”

Now we task the Intent Detector with finding the right rate or frequency , the needle has to go to GREEN , Rue always runs on positive.  Will it to give you a good reading, to move well into the green.

Your instinct will tell you when to click to set it. Run it every day for 45 minutes, on October 31 and November 1st and 2nd run it all day.

Happy Haunting!

The Modular Radionics Alchemist.

As always, any questions about our awesome machines and how to use them , click on button below to contact us.

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